Sassenach Asymmetrical Scarf Pattern

Sassenach Asymmetrical Scarf Pattern

Do you like the show, Outlander? I love it. All the neat knitted (and some crocheted!) items they wear are so pretty–I had to make something that sort of felt to me, like the Sassenach herself. The Sassenach Asymmetrical Scarf pattern was created with that 

How Join Granny Squares as You Go (JAYG Method)

How Join Granny Squares as You Go (JAYG Method)

A great way to join granny squares is to do the “Join As You Go” method (JAYG). Start out with a 4-round granny square that you will be putting a contrasting color border onto. With the JAYG method, you will be adding the border to 

Alex Scarf Crochet Pattern

Alex Scarf Crochet Pattern

Alex Scarf Let me introduce you to my new design, the Alex Scarf. But first, I want to share how I came up with this. Oh how I just love Fall! When I was a kid, Summer was my favorite but as I got older, 

Alpine Cloth Napkin Holder Pattern

Alpine Cloth Napkin Holder Pattern

We started using cloth napkins to cut down on waste. We love them! They are soft and work so well. When we’ve gotten them all dirty, just wash and use again! Buy once and done! But I had a problem: no napkin holders in the